Growing Roots

Growing Roots is a community of Designers, Growers, Artists and Ecologists passionate about interconnected knowledge and action in the realms of Permaculture, Successional Agroforestry and Food Forestry for Productivity as well as Social and Ecological Restoration

Our approach

Guided by the principles of permaculture and successional agroforestry, our agricultural systems work with the process of natural succession to sequester carbon, build soil, promote self-reliance in nutrient cycling and yield an abundance of food, fuel, and fibre. Our Goal is to provide the highest quality food, plant propagation materials and empowering educational experiences through a system that regenerates the health and function of our ecosystem, culture, economy and human wellbeing. Our team are dedicated to listening and responding to the cycles of nature as the foundation of our food production and land management system. As a team we continue to share skills and knowledge with each other so that our community as whole can evolve the knowledge and skills required to be regenerative earth stewards. The foundational teachings of our methods are offered in our ‘Living Agroecology’ training course. From here other pathways of learning open up to those wishing to take their training further…..


Check out some of our work.

Pushing the boundaries of food production by integrating agroforestry, market gardening, inter-cropping, permaculture, ecological succession and art; all within an intensive 2-acre plot at The Farm in Byron Bay.

Living Agroecology Facilitators

Learn about Agroecology, today.